Somatics Mindful Stretch 1

Wake Me Up Stretch & Mobility

Location: Treehouse Studio

September 14, 2024, 8:00 am - 8:45 am

Join us for a good morning stretch to start your day rejuvenated. In this class, we combine dynamic and static stretches, elements of yoga, foam rolling, and nerve glides (also known as nerve flossing or nerve stretches) to improve posture, and to increase your flexibility, mobility, and control.

More Exciting Activities

From health and beauty events, to culinary classes, to engaging guest speakers, explore new experiences and enhance your stay at Lake Austin Spa Resort.

Stretch & Roll | Mobility

Location: Treehouse Studio

September 18, 2024

*3 Mile Leisure Nature Hike (*Sign Up)

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September 18, 2024

DaVinci Body Board | Band Camp 1

*DaVinci Board | Resistance Bands (*Sign Up)

Location: Treehouse Studio

September 18, 2024