BIG Texas Sky Eclipse Day | Cosmic Garden Party Celebration
Location: Garden Library
April 8, 2024 12:30 pm
Located in the path of totality, LASR’s Solar Eclipse Garden Party is slated to be an unforgettable experience. With Safety Glasses provided, food, and cosmic cocktails, we will watch the moon slowly swallow the sun, for about 3 minutes of the total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the Sun, we can take off our glasses as day becomes night, the horizon flushes with the colors of sunset, and planets and stars fill the sky. We should see fiery prominences that extend outward from the Sun's surface, Baily’s Beads, the Diamond Ring and even our local wildlife could act strangely.
While a total solar eclipse typically happens somewhere on the Earth every year or two, it is estimated that a particular place on the Earth, like Lake Austin Spa Resort, will see a total solar eclipse only once every few centuries. This will truly be a rare event and we want to celebrate!